• Monday, 22 July 2024

Snow Becomes Beautiful Art In Breckenridge

Snow Becomes Beautiful Art In Breckenridge
Huge blocks of snow have been transformed into works of art in Breckenridge this week. It’s all part of the International Snow Sculpture Championships.

On Tuesday 15 teams started out trying to shape the 20-ton blocks of snow using one part art and one part science to create remarkable sculptures. Visitors voted for their favorites on Sunday.

“It really is an event like no other that we do and it makes so much sense because we’ve got a lot of snow,” Kim Dykstra with the Town of Breckenridge said.
“So we decided to carve all the animals in the St. Lawrence River,” Robert Maynard from Quebec said. “We use all kinds of tools; we use shovels, saw, cheese grater; anything we can find.”

A total of 15 teams are competing from 11 different countries.

“The snow sculptures really represent the diversity of Colorado and it really brings in the international culture and concept that, especially Colorado, is a place for international folks to come and visit and enjoy,” visitor Mary Ann Mathieu said.

The competition helps the town with tourism and exposure.

“They go out and actually bring the message of Breckenridge, Colorado USA to a lot of people outside our normal ski markets,” Dykstra said.

“The competition is pretty high,” Maynard said. “Winning is not on our mind right now, but we’re really happy with what we’ve come with so the job is done.”

Hidden within all the beautiful artwork is still a competition. Maynard’s team ended up winning all three public events.

The sculptures will be on display until next Sunday.